Why Pianoforall is the Better Choice for Adult Beginners Than Alfred's Piano Course

Why Pianoforall is the Better Choice for Adult Beginners Than Alfred's Piano Course

You want to learn to play the piano. You're motivated. Excited, even. But there are so many options out there, you just aren't sure where to start.

You may have heard of Alfred's Basic Adult Piano Course. It's one of the most popular methods out there. But, let me ask you this - have you heard of Pianoforall, by Robin Hall?

Alfred's teaches you piano. But Pianoforall lets you actually play piano.

With Alfred's, you'll start with tedious note memorization and finger strength exercises. All that theory is important but...where's the fun? The Alfred's method is like studying a textbook to learn a language, without actually speaking a word.

But with Pianoforall, it's like learning a language with Duolingo, you'll be playing cool, recognizable songs on day one. Right out of the gate, you'll learn simple left hand chord patterns that allow you to accompany yourself as you play melody lines with your right hand.

Doesn't that sound more enjoyable than mechanically reading notes off a page, one-by-one? With Pianoforall, you learn piano organically through playing, not studying. You gain intuition and rhythm naturally, not through regimented lessons.

Alfred's keeps you confined to simple children's songs for many lessons.

But Pianoforall allows you to play pop songs you know and love within the first few lessons. Imagine the satisfaction of effortlessly performing chart-topping hits by Adele, Coldplay, Ed Sheeran, and more.

You want to impress your family and friends by playing their favorite tunes, not just scales and "Hot Cross Buns." Pianoforall delivers the instant gratification adults crave when learning an instrument. The motivated student stays motivated, and sees results fast.

Alfred's teaches you to read sheet music - Pianoforall teaches you to play authentic piano.

Reading notes on staff paper is important - but it's not actual piano playing! With Alfred's, you'll be focused on decoding symbols on a page. But you buy a piano to play it, not stare at paper.

Pianoforall gives you the gift of playing by ear. Learn how to listen, and let your ears guide you. Discover the patterns, rhythms, and intervals that form the basis of hit songs. Develop skills like improvisation and transpose songs into any key.

These are the authentic piano skills that allow you to play freely - skills that sheet music reading alone simply can't teach. Pianoforall keeps your eyes on the keys, and your ears open to the music.

Alfred's gives you a rigid, mechanical, one-size-fits-all approach.

Their step-by-step structure assumes all students learn at the same pace. But real life isn't so simple, especially for busy adults. Adults need flexibility to absorb concepts at their own speed. We lead complex lives and can't lock ourselves to a predetermined schedule.

Pianoforall provides the flexibility adults require to flourish.

Its video-based online format allows you to learn on your own time - skip ahead or review previous lessons at your own pace. Follow your passions too. Like the Blues? Dive right into those lessons if you wish. Want to learn a certain song? Access it instantly, without waiting weeks for your skill level to allow it.

With Pianoforall, you direct your own learning precisely how you need. Customize your piano education to fit your lifestyle and musical interests.

Alfred's gives you books - Pianoforall gives you an interactive experience.

Sure, Alfred's books are high in quality. But staring at static pages is hardly an engaging experience. Conquering the piano is exciting - your learning resources should be too!

The Pianoforall video format brings piano instruction to life. Have fun following along with teacher Robin Hall as he effortlessly demonstrates techniques and songs. The videos make you feel like you're right there with him! Learning by watching over his shoulder is so much more engaging than mere reading.

Robin's charming teaching style keeps you eager to continue. His clear explanations allow quick comprehension so you'll advance smoothly through the curriculum. The videos cater perfectly to visual learners.

With Pianoforall, you'll be motivated to practice consistently.

You want to keep improving. And improvement requires dedication through routine practice. Consistency is key, especially for busy adults. So keeping your interest high with an interactive, multimedia course is the secret sauce.

Pianoforall's superb video lessons make absorbing new concepts intuitive and straightforward. You'll look forward to sitting at your piano everyday as you see your skills blossom. And consistent progress keeps you motivated to practice.

So when you're ready to thoroughly learn piano at home, don't settle for robotic note reading from static books. Immerse yourself in the dynamic world of Pianoforall. Be inspired by sight and sound. Learn by playing the songs you love. Gain real piano skills through an enjoyable experience customized for you.

Give yourself the gift of music. Let Pianoforall provide you with the gratifying, effective piano education you deserve as a 21st-century adult learner.

The piano awaits...are you ready to start playing the songs you love?